My Art
Multi-monitor Wallpapers
Many, many more of my free wallpapers are available to download from Wallpaperfusion here (and in much higher quality), for this reason only some of the more popular freebies appear in this gallery as examples for those who haven't already seen them. Each of the following wallpapers are freely available on that website already formatted to several popular multi-monitor display arrays. The quality of these images is lower to encourage visitors to download them directly from Wallpaperfusion. The miracle of these images is that I pray for God to show me something, and then I go looking. Sometimes I will add lighting to emphasize, highlight, or tease out what's already there. At this time (12/13/2017), I have 58 multi-monitor wallpapers available to download at that site, which have been downloaded over 946,000 times since October 7, 2016. God gets the glory. He is good. I thank Him for gifting me these images.
All of the above works of art are by Ed Myers and, as low resolution versions of his works of art, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Versions of the above works appearing on are made available for personal use only in accordance with the licensing terms given on that website. No other websites are approved for distribution of my free wallpapers and art.
Other works appearing on other pages of this website are not included in this license and are not approved for any use by visitors unless otherwise specified by Ed Myers, the site owner, primarily because some of those images come from stock image websites and the licensing is not mine to give or alter.
None of my works of art are for sale currently. No website is authorized to sell any of my works of art.