Who I am is not as important as whom or Whom I serve, but you are right to be curious. I am a Christian husband and father of six. I have been many things, but none so important as these first three, in that order. I am an artist, writer, and teacher. I am also a sinner, and, like Paul, even chief among sinners. By the standard that Jesus raised (and by the standards of many lesser men), I am guilty of having broken every Commandment, but most primary among these being a failure to love God utterly with all that I am, think, feel, and do, and to love the world as He has. I am the son who refused at first to go, but later went. I am the son who said give me what is mine now that I may enjoy it, only to awaken as a beast in the field, eating scraps not fit for the pigs, and seeing for the first time the degree of my fallen estate; it was then I heard Him calling (indeed, I would not have awakened had it not been for Him doing so), and looking up like Nebuchadnezzar, I glorified God. But I do not glory in these facts, I glory in Christ, and in Him crucified. Won't you come in and know Him better? 

Life Experiences

Dishwasher, Flight Support Ground Crew, Stockboy, Merchandiser, Soldier, Autopsy Technician, Production Planner, Security Guard, Switchboard Operator, Student, Tutor, Substitute Teacher, High School Teacher, Customer Service Quality Control Supervisor, Hospital Billing Center Supervisor, Federal Investigator, Veteran, and Child of God. The last of these is also the greatest. Furthermore, I am a sinner saved by Grace and have other experiences, too, which I may share as the Spirit moves me, for the edification of others.  All of the above images are glimpses of but a few of God's many blessings in my life. 

If you have questions or comments, I’d be delighted to reply. Please feel free to email me at edmyers at cupofchrist.net (remove the spaces and replace “at” with the symbol @). You can see me on TikTok @e2dme2dm.

If you’d like to know more about my beliefs, my God, or Jesus Christ and why you should know Him, just click “Endings” on the Navbar menu at the top and bottom of each page on this site.